Entries by rddlv

The Spanish National Police, new strategic user of DTec’s speech solutions

The Scientific Division of the Spanish National Police has recently acquired several of our solutions to be used as new advanced tools against cyber crime. We at DTec are proud to work with such a prestigious client and help them fighting cybercriminals who keep using more and more elaborated strategies, recently also including advanced audio […]

Interview with Rafael Delgado at SafetyDetectives

Some thoughts about recent advancements in speech technologies and AI based deepfakes and how DTec’s solutions can help fighting against them. https://www.safetydetectives.com/blog/rafael-delgado-dtec-biometria/

Project VIDaaS awarded with a grant from CDTI under the INNOGLOBAL program

DTec’s international cooperation project VIDaaS has been awarded on 2019 May 29th with a grant of 400K €, the highest among all projects in this call, from the INNOGLOBAL program under the umbrella of CDTI. The INNOGLOBAL program supports with non-reimbursable grants the Spanish members of the most promising R&D projects previously awarded with the EUREKA […]

International cooperation project VIDaaS gets the EUREKA Label

On 2018 Nov 14th the international cooperation R&D project called VIDaaS, a joint effort by DTec and our South Korean partners of KSEL, has been awarded the EUREKA Label. VIDaaS (Voice IDentity as a Service) is a cloud based IDaaS (IDentification as a Service) to provide IAM (Identity and Access Management), capable of securely managing […]